Upcoming Event: Africa Blue Economy Forum (ABEF) 2019

On 25 – 26 June 2019, Blue Jay Communication will be organising the second edition of the Africa Blue Economy Forum (ABEF).
Recognising the Blue Economy as a major source of wealth and prosperity for the continent, ABEF 2019 will bring together government officials as well as high-level experts, investors, businesses, policy leaders, international organisations, civil society, public institutions and other opinion leaders to highlight and debate emerging and frontier sectors of the Blue Economy, as well as important social considerations, such as gender mainstreaming, food and water security, poverty alleviation, wealth retention and job creation. A focus on how to better defeat ocean pollution will emphasise the Blue Economy approach on sustainability and interconnectedness with other sectors.
For more information visit our website : www.abef2019.com, follow us on Twitter: @bluejaycom (#ABEF2019)